When you expecting and starting to register for baby items, one of the items you may have registered for is the baby bath towel. They are a thin towel with a small hood. This is good for newborn to 3-month-old infants. Once your baby starts to get bigger, the towels aren’t big enough to fully cover your little one.
So my Aunt made me a hooded towel for a baby gift and once we started using it, we stopped using the baby towels. Seriously, this hooded towel gets washed several times a week. We love it that much. Also, the hooded towel is going fit my son for many many years.
So I decided to make some more, I looked at some ideas on Pinterest. I didn’t find one that I really liked the entire tutorial. Go figure, ha! I don’t think I ever follow a tutorial or pattern exactly.
I liked this tutorial the best by PRACTICALLY FUNCTIONAL
What You’ll Need:
- 1 Hand Towel
- 2 Bath Towels
I found a good deal on towels at Kohl’s and JCPenney.
My favorite towels are the Quick Dri towels from JCPenney
For this project, I used the brand ‘The Big One’ from Kohl’s.
1. Cut the hand towel in half
2. Using one half of the hand towel, fold in half and sew the cut edge together. I used a zig-zag stitch, then I topstitched the seam. This will be your hood.
3. Attach the hand towel (hood), by pinning the excess of the hand towel to the back of the towel. Pin in place and sew with a straight stitch.
There you have it a quick hooded towel. I think I finished two hooded towels in about 30 minutes.
Do you have any favorite baby sewing projects?

#HoodedTowel #KidCrafts #Sewing #SewingForKids #Crafty #SewingMom #MomLife