Breastfeeding Friendly Clothes

Breastfeeding Clothes

One thing most of us don’t think about is life after the birth of our child. We are so excited to hold our little bundle of joy, that we don’t think about many things, such as the aftermath (Mama’s you know what I mean), surviving breastfeeding or clothes best suited for breastfeeding (especially when you’re in public). I am going to share clothes that IRead Now

CRAFT FAST! – 1 Hour Baby Blanket

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Many, many years ago. When I got my first career job and Taylor Corporation, with my first paycheck I bought my first sewing machine. I was a singer brand and I bought it from Walmart for $100. My boss was pregnant with her first child and I had it in my head that I wanted to make her a baby blanket with the silk edging.Read Now

Top 10 Baby Items That made my Life Easier

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Baby Items to make life easier

My Son has brought me so much in these past 5 months, unconditional love and some real challenges. Every Mom knows that with any baby you can and will try a million and one things for your baby happy and when those don’t work, you try them all again. Also… what worked yesterday probably won’t work today, and what works today will likely not workRead Now

Craft Fast! – Trinket Bling!

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Fall craft season is just around the corner, which means… time to count stock and figure out what I need to make this year. I usually stick to sewing crafts, but that requires more time than I currently have available with a 5-month-old rolling around. Literally, he is a rolling machine. If he is awake, he is on a roll. he he 🙂 So, IRead Now

Safety: The New Carseat Dilema


My son is 5 months old today, weighing 13 lbs 7oz and is 25″ long. We currently are using a Graco Snugride car seat. Our daycare provider brought it to our attention that the head pads (that are not removable, unfortunately) are touching his shoulders and “his face looks squished”. So starts the new car seat hunt. What are the current sales? Online? In-Store? HowRead Now